Christmas is coming, Don't Panic!

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By Jennie G. Douglas

Embrace the impending holiday hustle with grace and purpose, as we navigate the countdown to Christmas in less than 21 days. Amidst the whirlwind that was Halloween and Thanksgiving, upcoming school functions, work obligations, and a plethora of social events, the stress can become palpable. It's during this time that many mothers find themselves pulled in numerous directions, grappling with work deadlines, endless to-do lists, and external expectations that seem beyond their control. The holiday season, designed to be a time of joy, giving, love, and light, paradoxically tends to leave mothers feeling scattered, exhausted, stressed, and, at times, even dull.

As we approach this festive season, it's essential to acknowledge that it can also stir emotions tied to lost loved ones or foster nostalgia for days gone by. In the midst of the chaos, our inner light may begin to flicker. Recognizing this struggle, I am committed to helping all women, with a particular focus on mothers, strike a harmonious balance between family, work, and personal life.

Let's embark on a journey together to rediscover the joy, sparkle, and light within. I am passionate about guiding women to not only weather the seasonal storm but to emerge with a renewed sense of self. In recognizing how far we've come, we can equip ourselves with the tools to navigate the challenges that threaten to dim our radiance.

This season, let me be your partner in reclaiming and maintaining your inner glow. I am here to provide the support and strategies needed to help you SHINE ON. Reach out to me if you, or someone you know, could benefit from coaching during this festive season. Let's make this holiday season one of empowerment, balance, and unwavering radiance.


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