Navigating the College Journey: A Guide for Rising Seniors and Incoming College Freshmen

Navigating the College Journey: A Guide for Rising Seniors and Incoming College Freshmen by Marsha Twilley As the school year progresses, rising high school seniors and soon-to-be college freshmen are facing a season of transition. Whether your student is preparing to apply to colleges or gearing up for their first semester away from home, now is the time to get organized and set them up for success. At Olive Orchard, we’re here to help students and parents navigate this exciting but...

Cherish the Journey: A Guide for Mothers of High School Students

By Marsha Twilley Motherhood is an extraordinary journey, filled with countless moments of joy, challenges, and profound growth. As mothers of high school students, we often find ourselves standing at the intersection of nostalgia for their childhood and anticipation for their future. The high school years are a unique period that demands a delicate balance between parenting and listening, providing support, and encouraging independence. As we navigate this journey, it’s crucial to...

Three Critical Tasks to Accomplish While on a College Visit

By: Marsha Twilley Visiting college campuses is a critical part of the college admissions/decision process. Whether scheduling an official visit or simply stopping in for an impromptu drive through a campus, all exposure to various colleges is a learning process for rising college students. While there are endless questions that can be asked, there are three critical tasks you need to accomplish while on the campus. Talk to several random students. Students who are not working...

8 Ideas for Strengthening your High School Resume!

By Marsha Twilley It may be December, and while preparation for mid-term exams is in full swing for high school students, it’s time to start thinking about plans for the summer. Part of developing a strong high school resume is spending summers doing activities that count both personally and academically. Colleges are looking for well rounded students who show evidence of exploration and growth throughout their high school years. (The last thing you want to do is waste your summer...

The Time Will Come

by Marsha Twilley I’ll never forget the moment I held my first baby girl in my arms. Once I was coherent enough to inhale her beauty and wonder, I marveled at every last detail of her skin: the way her nose was perfectly shaped; the red of her lips; the pure bliss of her sleep-filled face; her tiny fingers and toes and oh-so-perfectly- shaped EARS! I sat for hours staring at her while she slept. This beauty….this WONDER….had grown inside of ME for nine long months. And now, here she was!!...

Coaching vs. Consulting

What is the difference between COACHING and CONSULTING? by Marcy Sizemore Here at Olive Orchard, we have a multidisciplinary team of coaches and consultants that work to meet our client’s needs. We often hear questions like, “What is the difference between coaching and consulting?” “Which one do I need?” Coaching and consulting are two different services that can help individuals and organizations achieve their goals. Coaching is typically focused on individual...

Ditch the Books!

At some point in our adult lives we begin to believe that if we buy the book, the action of “buying” will alone actually do the hard work of parenting. Okay, I’ll admit it. I LOVE books. As I was studying children’s literature in my 20s working towards a degree in Early Childhood and Special Education, I fell in love with the story and its power to reach children. Soon after, I began a journey into my own self-awareness, finding that the non-fiction arena is wildly full of...